Serena Quattrocolo

University of Turin

Serena Quattrocolo

University of Turin


Full Professor of Italian and European Criminal Procedure at the University of Turin. Previously, dean of the Law School at the University of Piemonte orientale. Former academic co-director (AY 2016-17), of the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS), London. Visiting scholar at King’s College, London (AY 2016-17) and visiting professor at FGV Direito, Sao Paulo, Brasil (AY 2015-16). Braudel Fellow 2022 at the European University Institute; Stipendiantin at the Max Planck Institute for International and comparative criminal law, Freiburg i.B., Germany, 2014. Member of the Committee for the reform of criminal justice, at the Italian Ministry of Justice, (2021-22). Principal investigator of: Jean Monnet Project PreCrim (2020), Jean Monnet Module EuDICRI (2022), EUAF NET4FEU (2024). Major research fields: AI and criminal proceedings; in absentia trials, European criminal procedure.

Last book: S. Quattrocolo, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Models and Criminal Proceedings. A Framework for a European Discussion, Springer, 2020.

All sessions by Serena Quattrocolo

Automated generated evidence

18 Jul 2024
Sala Vigo